
Positive Impact

At Lumentum, our people are the key to our success. We offer an environment where our employees feel respected and appreciated. We develop our team to enable their success while creating a diverse and inclusive culture that values differences and inspires creativity.

The way we conduct our work is to the highest social, ethical and safety standards within our facilities, and we propagate that expectation across our value chain. We aim to influence those around us beyond our value chain and work hard to positively contribute to the communities in which we live and operate.

Our People Highlights

To find out more about our initiatives, download our Corporate Sustainability Report (PDF, 15.15 MB)


Talent Management

Talent Management

We recognize the future performance of Lumentum relies upon the strength of our team. Consequently, our ability to recruit and retain the services of executive, engineering, sales and marketing, and support personnel is of critical importance. The supply of highly qualified individuals—in particular, engineers in specialized technical areas and salespeople specializing in the service provider, enterprise, and commercial laser markets—is limited, and competition for such individuals is intense. Therefore, we understand the importance of creating an attractive work environment for our employees and managing our brand in the job market. 


Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB)


Although we come from all corners of the globe—representing people of diverse cultures and perspectives—we share the same goals and vision for our company. Each employee’s unique experiences, perspectives, and viewpoints strengthen us as a company and increase our competitive advantage. As a global, multicultural company driven by innovation, we are building a diverse and inclusive culture where differences are valued, but we realize there is still room for improvement.

We review our DIB initiatives with our Nominating and Governance Committee at least quarterly. Progress toward our multiyear DIB strategy for sustainable cultural change is measured quarterly for support and accountability by our Compensation Committee. 

We respond annually to the UK’s gender pay gap reporting regulations and set annual goals to increase the representation of several traditionally underrepresented populations in our organization. 

  • Increase the percentage of women in management roles
  • Increase the percentage of early career hires
  • Increase the percentage of underrepresented groups
  • Increase the percentage of underrepresented groups at the director/senior director levels and at the vice president and above levels
  • Maintain pay parity for both gender and underrepresented groups

Our overarching objective is to fully integrate DIB into our culture, policies, practices, and procedures. By doing so, we foster engagement and create an environment where employees feel they can authentically live our Lumentum values.

To learn more about our DIB initiatives, visit our DIB page.


Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety

Protecting the health and safety of our employees is vital to our core values. Our Global EHS policy embeds the EHS management system into all aspects of the company and is part of our pursuit of global ISO 14001 and 45001 management system certification. Caring for and attending to everyone who comes through our doors is fundamental to Lumentum’s success and plays a major role in quality control. Providing a productive work environment means ensuring that all of our facilities, and those of our supply partners, are safe and comply with all applicable workplace health and safety laws and regulations.

All workers are required to take training relevant to the specific hazards associated with their job duties. This includes trainings such as safe-handling, storage and disposal of hazardous substances, emergency response, machine safeguarding and proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available for all chemicals at each site both online and in hard copy. 

Lumentum evaluates all hazards following the hierarchy of controls. If hazard elimination or substitution are not feasible, engineering controls, such as ventilation, enclosure of hazards, automation of processes and regular maintenance, are some of the methods implemented for controlling hazards in the workplace. The type of operations and the chemical hazard determines the level of PPE, which includes items such as gloves, safety glasses, masks, and laser goggles.

Lumentum also performs regular site reviews to determine the potential for personnel exposure to chemical, thermal, noise, biological or physical agents. Exposure monitoring or sampling is conducted where required by local regulations or when a risk assessment indicates a potential for exposure. 

Similarly, medical surveillance is conducted where required by local regulation or in situations when deemed appropriate based on risk assessment.

Our Lumentum Production System (LPS) extends beyond product quality and aims to create a safety culture based on safe people and safe places. We apply the zero-defect mindset and strive for zero work-related injuries at all sites. We have a comprehensive corporate health and safety policy that covers a range of issues from evaluation of EHS compliance to hazardous waste management to noise exposure and hearing protection. Six of our facilities have a certified occupational health and safety management system in place and we continue to advance our program through sharing best practices across our global operations.

ISO 45001-Dongguan, China
(PDF, 361 KB) 

ISO 45001-Shenzhen, China
(PDF, 224 KB)  

ISO 45001-Sagamihara, Japan
(PDF, 180 KB) 

ISO 45001–Škofljica, Slovenia
(PDF, 147 KB)

ISO 45001-Pathumthani, Thailand
(PDF, 147 KB) 

ISO 45001–Towcester, UK
(PDF, 154 KB)

Risk Identification

There are many ways that risks are identified and mitigated at each site. One tool used is “risk hunting” and is performed during weekly inspections of specific areas: risks and near miss events are recorded and analyzed, and a corrective action plan is established. This risk mitigation tactic does not stop at the factory floor but instead extends to the entire facility. Another mechanism is the Health and Safety Forum where members participate in safety observation tours and highlight areas for improvement in a monthly meeting. Safety observations focus on housekeeping, visible hazards, risk assessments, first aid provisions, and PPE checks. Also, the EHS team works in conjunction with the engineering and operations teams to complete risk assessments prior to any process changes being implemented. To ensure that this work is done proactively, the team participates in regular Change Control Board meetings. The team reviews and conducts hazard assessments for any new or changed work instruction or procedure. All new equipment is inspected prior to installation, and all new chemicals are reviewed and approved prior to use.

Chemical Safety

In line with RBA’s Industry Focus Process Chemical List (IFPCL), we have a policy in place to protect workers from exposure to hazardous process chemicals during manufacturing. When the RBA IFPC list was first introduced in April 2021, we identified some of the chemicals on the list as in use across our global sites. Through substantial effort, we either substituted these substances or re-evaluated existing engineering controls to ensure workers are isolated from the hazards, according to the hierarchy of controls.

New product development is a critical element of our business. As part of the product life cycle, any new chemical addition undergoes a stringent review of the safety and environmental impacts. Insights gained from stakeholder collaboration are incorporated into the technology roadmap of the fabrication process.


Product Safety

Product Safety

Lumentum is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our customers and the the users of our products. A critical design requirement for all our products is product safety, with specific goals and objectives integrated into the product development process. The strategies employed to meet these goals and results from the previous period are reviewed semi-annually and reported to management.

Formal product development processes and product safety requirements address design, testing, and certification. Safety risks arising from the use of our products or components are thoroughly evaluated throughout the product development processes for all aspects of product safety, including any potential negative electromagnetic compatibility effects. We review 100% of product returns and in-field incidents to better capture and address any potential safety and health issues during product use.

When required, an independent third-party certification body evaluates and certifies the safety of our products according to national and international product safety standards. This certification is maintained and updated throughout the product lifecycle, including product modifications and changes in standards to ensure ongoing compliance with current requirements. Each certification body conducts periodic, unannounced factory inspections of our certified products and quality systems to ensure continued safety compliance as a condition of product certification.

Additionally, we self-declare CE and UKCA compliance to applicable EU directives and UK national regulations based upon the formal evaluation performed by the third-party certification body. Regulatory compliance documentation is accessible through a company-wide database for product life cycle management. This ensures transparency, efficiency, and regulatory compliance collaboration across departments and manufacturing locations.

At Lumentum, we are committed to strengthening and enhancing our product safety program. We provide targeted training on product safety requirements and procedures for employees involved in product design and manufacturing. This ensures everyone is equipped with the knowledge and skills to uphold our high safety standards.


Community Engagement and Support

Community Engagement and Support

At Lumentum, we believe in being good corporate citizens and encourage our employees to make a positive impact in their communities. Giving back through volunteering or in-kind or monetary donations is deeply rooted in our culture. We consistently strive for a better tomorrow by uplifting our communities while continuing to make Lumentum a great place to work. 

Lumentum Gives is an all-encompassing program designed to introduce paths for community engagement through volunteer opportunities and monetary support for a variety of local and global causes. Our mission is to fan the spark of generosity that is within all employees to make positive change through meaningful contributions.


Lumentum Gives