50 GHz Filter-Based Bandsplitters

Lumentum ITU bandsplitters are the result of years of telecommunications experience in interference filter technology. Manufactured using laser welding technology, they conveniently split ITU channel spacings of 200, 100, and 50 GHz into manageable channel bands.
These highly reliable components demonstrate low loss, temperature insensitivity, and reliable performance in any system application. They are designed to exceed the requirements of Telcordia GR-1221.
Used within mux/demux and add/drop applications, Lumentum bandsplitters manage multiple ITU channels. Narrow transitions from the passed band to the block band minimize lost channels while maintaining high spectral efficiency. Integrated with other available technologies, such as ITU channel filters, fiber Bragg gratings, and arrayed waveguides, Lumentum bandsplitters offer complete dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) solutions.
Established volume capability and proven experience in customizing fiber optic components and modules make Lumentum the supplier of choice for these and other DWDM products.